For more than 100 years, the Merrimack Valley YMCA camps have been providing youth with memories that last a lifetime. With the support of so many wonderful people and organizations, we can make these experiences possible. Each year, we induct a small number of people into the Hall of Fame. A candidate for the Camp Lawrence, Camp Nokomis or Camp Otter Hall of Fame is a person, group or organization that has made a significant contribution to the Merrimack Valley YMCA camps. These contributions can include, but are not limited to, exemplary ongoing volunteer service, notable gifts of products, services or money, or public promotion of the camps.
2019 Hall of Fame
This year we will be inducting Andrew Parker and Timothy Parker into the Camp Nokomis Hall of Fame and Alex Kramer and Cheri Call into the Camp Lawrence Hall of Fame. Greg Robinson will be inducted into both the Camp Nokomis Hall of Fame and the Camp Lawrence Hall of Fame. We will also be inducting VJ Mill III into the Camp Otter Hall of Fame.
If you would like to make a contribution to honor any of these inductees, please visit our online giving portal below. On the form, you will see the option to make check the box next to “Dedicate This Donation.” By checking the box, the option will appear to make a gift in honor of someone. Simply complete this form to make a donation online.