Packing list
Two week campers who plan carefully should not need to use the laundry service, although it is available to everyone. We recommend a trunk for ease of living at camp and for ease of transport between the mainland and the island. The height of the trunk should not exceed 14” in order to fit under the bed. All campers must have sheets and blankets for their beds, and a pillow is recommended if the child uses one at home. Camp trunks can be purchased at Everything Summer Camp Enter code: trail447CL (Lawrence) trail449CN (Nokomis).
Please label everything clearly with the camper’s name in indelible marker or on a name tag and tape a list of your camper’s belongings inside the trunk lid. Please also attach labeled masking or other tape to all pieces of luggage. Secure luggage so that nothing falls out during the transportation process. Labels can be purchased at Label Daddy (Camp Lawrence), Label Daddy (Camp Nokomis). If you want to send your child a care package, contact Camp Care Pacs.
Do not use trash bags for luggage.
Our explanations and recommendations are in parentheses.